Sunday, July 27, 2014


It's DaDwarf here, (ikr the names  are confusing, but my username is DaDwarf now), so did I mention in my last article otters are the new animal? Lemme check... Nope, but I'm telling you no.

Let's just hope that they're non member... We need more non member animals! I would complain if they didn't, but I have to admit... It does seem like it will be a member animal. Seriously, Animal Jam. Put some thought into non members.

So, I saw a non member SCREAMING that all members were rude and selfish and didn't care about non members. Listen people, I have member buddies. Do they care for me? Yes, they do, if I get sad they ask "Why?" and "Are you okay?" And I'm a non member myself! Of course, my buddy was screaming "THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" And I agree with her. Sure, when non members are being mean, she does what she has to do... But otherwise, she's very kind and nice to non members. Definitely not when non member scam her is she kind, no way! I should probably go find out the girl who was saying members are not nice, and report her...

Wow, I wrote a lot... Let me find some nice pictures for you to look at :D ur welcome X3
Okay guys, bye bye bye bye bye bye!!!!!!!!!

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